Services.The Howard County Sheltered Services Board provides local funding and Targeted Case Management services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through matching state and federal Department of Mental Health and Medicaid funding.
Eligibility for Services
Eligibility is determined by what's known as a functional assessment as opposed to linking eligibility to a specific diagnosis. A developmental disability is a disability which is attributable to cognition, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, head injury, autism, or a learning disability related to a brain dysfunction, or any other mental or physical or mental impairment which occurs before the age 22. It must be determined that this disability is likely to continue indefinitely and that it results in a substantial functional limitation in two or more of the following six areas of major life activities: self care, receptive and expressive language development and use, learning, self-direction, capacity for independent living or economic self sufficiency and mobility.
Targeted Case Management (TCM)
Service Coordinators in our office assist individuals and families in the service of Targeted Case Management. Our role is to assist eligible individuals to assess their service needs, create a support plan, link to community services and resources, and monitor the follow along of services and support received. Service Coordinators can assist children and families to navigate the educational process, therapies, and assist in the transition from school to work. We can support adults with developmental disabilities to discover valuable adult roles in the community and to live as independently as possible in their choice of life activities.
Local Funding
A local tax levy, as pertaining to Missouri Senate Bill 40 legislation, allows local monies to be collected and used to support services to people with developmental disabilities in Howard County. These local dollars can be granted for services needed for individuals in which there is no other funding source available, and in some instances, can be used to provide local funds that enable the ability to draw down additional state and federal matching dollars for services through the Medicaid program. If you or your family member have an unmet need, you may apply for these local funds through your Targeted Case Management (TCM) Service Coordinator.
We Link You to Choices of Services
We will link you with direct service providers that provide you the types of services you need and want to live your most independent life. Whether you or your family are looking for Individualized Supported Living, Employment Services, Personal Assistance, Community Membership or Advocacy.... finding those connections with your input is what we do.
Our Customers Come FirstWe support connecting Howard County residents with developmental disabilities to the opportunities and choices of services within a multiple county region.
We Promise You the BestWhether you are an individual served, family member, guardian, direct service provider or tax payer, our commitment is to giving the best quality services humanly possible to meet the needs of our citizens with developmental disabilities in the fiscally responsible way.